This so cool, now art cars can be mapped all over the world on google maps community walk. If you have an art car you can click on the link above, create and account and post you car and up load a picture of you car. You can also post art car events and you can pretty much plan an entire summer vacation from art car to art car.
Art Cars On Community Walk Powered by Google Earth
This so cool, now art cars can be mapped all over the world on google maps community walk. If you have an art car you can click on the link above, create and account and post you car and up load a picture of you car. You can also post art car events and you can pretty much plan an entire summer vacation from art car to art car.
Welcome Back, American Muscle!
They recently sponsored a hilarious and disgusting contest called "Live in it to win it", where one of several contestants who could last the longest living in a red 2009 Mustang would win it. The winner lasted 11 days.
Why CARS (Cash For Clunkers) Won't Come Back
Video: Cash For Clunkers Engine Death
This Volvo S80 looks like a nice car, I'm amazed it qualified. Maybe it had major issues, like a bad transmission, or something. Still, what a waste. The engine sounds almost like it is sad to go.
This Oldsmobile looks more like a heap. The engine starts out sounding throaty, then dies with a mousy squeek.
Video: Kid Freaks Out (A Little)
Now, I don't think he's 100% serious, because if you notice, he doesn't damage the glass or the front end. He just beats up on the bed side a little.
Mahindra Planning A CUV For U.S.?
If you click on "future vehicle", you see an artsy picture of what looks like a minivan, or perhaps a crossover, called the MUC. I suspect this is a version of the Xylo (see for photos) which is something like short minivan with swinging doors.
Mahindra is talking big, I wonder if they will deliver?
CARS: Watch The "Doc Fee" Trick!
As I posted previously, (see here) and I'll do it again as a public service:
Dealers are not allowed to charge fees to customers to participate in the CARS program. If you dealer tries to do so, above and beyond their standard fees, they are trying to cheat you.
The proof is here, from
Can dealers charge me a fee for buying or leasing a vehicle under the CARS program?
While dealers can charge their normal types of fees, the CARS Act specifically prohibits dealers from charging a fee for purchasing or leasing a vehicle under the program.
Art Parking Garage from Perth Australia
This private parking garage is located at the Condor Tower Car Park in Perth Australia was created by the Perth street art production group Ololo.They approached the construction manager of an inner-city skyscraper when they heard he hated the grey walls of the recently built Condor Tower five-storey car park. The three creative friends – Hurben, Shensing and Griv proposed a far more whimsical and creative solution to the bare walls, by allowing the group and their friends to embellish the interior with street art-inspired murals. Each floor has a theme based on the elemental planes of Earth - Space, Sky, Land, Underwater and Core; with both local and inter-state artists coming together to fill the space with color. Participating street artist ‘Creepy’ hopes the project will encourage similar ventures between urban developers and the creative community within Perth.
article via
Hamster Tread Mill Car Races
When I saw this this hamster art car race on the Internet I new I had to post it on art car central. Necessity is the mother of invention but Boredom, money and booze is the father of the rest. Hamster tread mill cars are here to stay.
Why NUMMI Is Probably Closing
- NUMMI is the most expensive, labor-wise, of any of Toyota's plants in NA (Detroit Free Press)
- The Corolla is also built in Canada, at the TMMC plant
- The Tacoma is also built in Mexico, in Tijuana.
Cash For Clunkers Details
- Only one voucher per customer. You can't trade in 2 cars for 2 vouchers for 1 new car.
- Leases may be purchased with the voucher, however, the least must be for at least 5 years.
- Dealers can not charge extra fees such as administrative fees for the CARS program.
- Customers may have to pay sales taxes on the voucher amount, depending on state law.
- The CARS voucher is on top of other incentives from the manufacturer (dealers can't keep the manufacturer incentives back)
- The CARS voucher is in addition to other government programs, such as the hybrid vehicle credit.
Cash For Clunkers: Engine Death
For some reason, the thought of thousands of engines running until they die is sort of sad to me. It's like... euthanasia.
Appendix B to Part 599 - Engine Disablement Procedures for the CARS
Engine Disablement Procedures for the CARS Program
Perform the following procedure to disable the vehicle engine.
1. Obtain solution of 40% sodium silicate/60% water. (The Sodium Silicate (SiO2/Na2O) must have a weight ratio of 3.0 or greater.)
2. Drain engine oil for environmentally appropriate disposal.
3. Install the oil drain plug.
4. Since the procedure is intended to render the engine inoperative, drive or move the vehicle to the desired area for disablement.
5. Pour enough solution in the engine through the oil fill for the oil pump to circulate the solution throughout the engine. Start by adding 2 quarts of the solution, which should be sufficient in most cases.
CAUTION: Wear goggles and gloves. Appropriate protective clothing should be worn to prevent silicate solution from coming into contact with the skin.
6. Replace the oil fill cap.
7. Start the engine.
8. Run engine at approximately 2000 rpm (for safety reasons do not operate at high rpm) until the engine stops. (Typically the engine will operate for 3 to 7 minutes. As the solution starts to affect engine operation, the operator will have to apply more throttle to keep the engine at 2000 rpm.)
9. Allow the engine to cool for at least 1 hour.
10. With the battery at full charge or with auxiliary power to provide the power of a fully charged battery, attempt to start the engine.
11. If the engine will not operate at idle, the procedure is complete.
12. If the engine will operate at idle, repeat steps 7 through 11 until the engine will no longer idle.
13. Attach a label to the engine that legibly states the following:
This engine is from a vehicle that is part of the Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS). It has significant internal damage caused by operating the engine with a sodium silicate solution (liquid glass) instead of oil.
14. File this document in the file for the new vehicle purchase.
Pestilencia Art Car by Cheri Brugman
photos by Harrod Blank
Cheri Brugman is the creator of this now non existent art car called Pestilencia that was featured in Harrod Blanks Automorphosis movie that just came out. Pestilencia was covered with decapitated body parts and heads and "Stop Greed”, an art car created in response to how she felt about the world at the time. The most obvious part of this car is the flames shooting out from the hood of the car, which is definitely good for roasted marshmallows in a pinch. Pestilencia was eventually crushed at an art car festival in San Francisco called Art Car Fest.
96 VW Golf Harlequin Art Car - And the Harlequin Wannabe Registry
photo via
A 1996 Volkswagen magazine ad said, “Can’t decide on a color? Try a Harlequin Golf.” The 1996 Golf Harlequin is one of the most limited production cars VW has ever produced and presumably only 264 of these car are know to exists. Currently there is a VW Golf Harlequin registry at and so far only 91 of these car have been accounted for. If you own one of these Harlequin VW cars laying around the garage let Ross know and will add you to his registry.
Since creation of the Harlequin VW there have been others who have tried to make their own Harlequin version since the originals are so hard to get. That is why I started my own Harlequin Wannabe Registry here on art car central and if any you have one let me know and I will add you to my own registry.
VW Bug Harlequin Art Car Wannabe #1

Trabant Harlequin Art Car Wannabe #2
Ferrari Harlequin Art Car Wannabe #3

Motorcycle Harlequin Art Bike Wannabe #4

Home Made Harlequin Art Car Wannabe #5

VW Pickup Art Truck Harlequin Wannabe #6

Audi TT Harlequin Art Car Wannabe #7

Redneck Limo Art Car Harlequin Wannabe #8

Not there yet, but gets an "A" for effort